Southern Exposure
Grier's Almanac
2006 Marks 200 Years of Continuous Publication
The handy annual reference, once considered by antebellum farmers to be so reliably true that upon it an oath could be sworn if a Bible were not available, is celebrating 200 years of continuous publication. Named in honor of its founder Robert Grier, an uncle of Confederate States vice president Alexander Hamilton Stephens, the venerable old Southern almanac survived the Civil War and the Great Depression, and is read by over 3 million in thirteen states.

An amateur astronomer, Robert Grier (1780-1848) originally made his astronomical calculations at his family's plantation in Talieferro County, Georgia. With a passion for astronomy, he became a wealthy man from the publication of his Georgia and South-Carolina Almanak. Upon Grier's death, a number of individuals kept the almanac going, eventually changing its name to Grier's Almanac. Today, Grier's is owned and managed by Bryan and Leslie Bachler of Atlanta.

Those Wonderful Ads!

Older issues of Grier's Almanac are desired by collectors because of the advertising. Within the pages of the 1934 issue (pictured below right), one can find ads for Bayer aspirin, Cheney's Expectorant (for coughs) and Feen-a-mint ("The Laxative That's Just Like Chewing Gum"). While these products were quite common and widely used at the time, a few other items were offered by more obscure companies, and following are just a few of the standouts:

  • 6 6 6 a remedy for colds, headache, fever, biliousness, malaria and constipation available in liquid, tablets, nose drops and a salve! (Editor's note: I'd have to be pretty miserable before I would take something called "666.")

  • Smith's Worm Oil, a product of the Galenol Company, Inc. of Atlanta. Described as "one of the oldest and most reliable worm medicines sold."

  • Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a "tonic and regulator" for "girls in their teens." The ad states, "Teach her how to guard her health at this critical time . . . When she is a happy, healthy wife and mother she will thank you."

  • Securitee, a "renowned prescription in a jellied form" described as the "married woman's sure, safe method." "Are you financially able to take care of babies and give them the proper attention?," the ad asks. "If not it may be best to delay." Haven't times changed? Today, there is considerable debate over whether school kids should learn about contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases at younger and younger ages. In 1934, amid the Depression, an ad offering some form of pregnancy prevention made no mention of the word sex, of course, but its intent was pretty clear. "Every married couple should have babies, but it is a great injustice to bring the little darlings into the world if all conditions are not just right." Interesting to note, 1934 was probably not one of those years in which conditions were "just right" for raising children for most southern couples.
The 2006 Grier's Almanac includes its share of intriguing ads and, quite frankly, several of them are a source of amusement. Especially eyecatching is a full-page ad from Miller's Rexall Drugs & Curios of Atlanta. Miller's line of products includes the following:

  • Lucky Las Vegas Cologne (Editor's note: If you're willing to throw away your money at the casinos, spending $5.55 on this stuff probably can't hurt!)

  • Dragon's Blood Uncrossing Bubble Bath, "used to destroy jinxes" (Editor's note: A normal shower with soap and water suits me just fine. Jinxes don't scare me.)

  • "Make Opposing Lawyer Stupid" Oil and Candle (Editor's note: This must have been used by the O. J. Simpson defense team. Oops, I shouldn't have said that!!!)

  • "Stop Evil" Spray Cleaner "Chase evil out of home, church, business," says the ad. (Editor's note: Obeying the Bible and saying, "Get thee behind me, Satan," has always worked for me!)

Lots of Useful Stuff, Too

Besides a few hilarious ads and plenty of legitimate promotions, Grier's Almanac contains a helpful gardening calendar, zodiac information, a religious section, a chronological listing of memorable events and informing general interest articles.

Copies of Grier's Almanac are distributed via drug stores, feed & seed dealers and direct mail.

For nearly half a century, Thomas P. Ashmore made the astronomical calculations for Grier's Almanac. Upon his death in 1882, he was succeeded by his nephew, Otis Ashmore. A Savannah educator and scientist, Otis Ashmore saw the almanac fall on hard times. It was in 1912 that Frank Lamar Fleming of John B. Daniel, Inc., an Atlanta wholesale drug company, acquired the publication at a Savannah bankruptcy auction. In spite of the ownership change, Otis Ashmore remained with Grier's, making astronomical calculations until his death in 1934. Pictured is his last issue.

This sampling from the 1953 issue of Grier's Almanac features a half-page ad offering an "amazing liquid that tends to promote aversion (dislike) toward ALL intoxicating drinks." Also, kudzu had apparently not sufficiently invaded the South by 1953. B. W. Middlebrooks of Barnesville, Georgia, was advertising seed and kudzu crowns for sale! Quite a contrast from the previously illustrated 1934 edition, the 1953 issue featured ads from two separate publishers promoting illustrated books on the topic of sex!


Frank Veale Jr., "Georgia's Amazing Robert Grier:  They Forgot Him, But Not Almanack,"  Atlanta Journal, October 7, 1967.

Grier's Almanac,"  New Georgia Encyclopedia.  Retrieved May 15, 2006:

"This Day in Georgia History:  January 9:  1780,"  Carl Vinson Institute of Government (University of Georgia).  Retrieved October 2004:


Telephone conversations with Bryan Bachler, Grier's Almanac Publishing Company, Atlanta, in October 2004 and on January 19, 2005

1934 Grier's Almanac

1953 Grier's Almanac

2006 Grier's Almanac

Author: Greg Freeman.  Published May 21, 2006.

Southern Edition

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